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Union League Rooftop Dining

Built in 1865 and expanded in 1911, the Union League House is a Philadelphia monument. The construction of a new 9,600 square foot rooftop restaurant and event center required the demolition of 570 linear feet of brick and stone parapet, 2 chimneys, 18 mechanical caps, 2 mechanical rooms, 1 staircase, 1 concrete elevator cap, and 36 roof penetrations.

The historic structure posed both technical and logistical challenges, including three different elevations, low allowable structural loading, a perimeter setback roof, a large central light well, and limited space. To accommodate the limitations of the work area, the demolition debris was staged across the roof until it could be removed by crane using a skip pan. A false floor was constructed in the lightwell, and a mobile scaffold was used to provide access.

Debris generated from the project was source separated, recyclable masonry and metals were shipped direct to recycling facilities, and all remaining debris was shipped to a recovery facility for further separation and recovery.

General Contractor: